jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

Day 1: Arriving in Priego

European exchanges on "water and environment"

General Information:
Dates: from 1 (saturday) to 8 (saturday) August
Ages: from 18 to 25 years old. 10 youngsters + 2 Team leaders

Información general:
Fechas: del sábado 1 de agosto al sábado 8 de agosto
Edades: de 18 a 25 años. 10 jóvenes + 2 monitores

What´s about:
30 youngsters have visited PRIEGO DE CORDOBA (Spain) to reflect on the aspects of the climate change and how to preserve the protected areas without causing any detriment to the everyday traditional economic activities. They had the oportunity to visit the protected local areas and they showed their own ideas on how to preserve the areas.

30 jóvenes han visitado Priego de Córdoba para reflexionar sobre el cambio climático y como preservar las zonas protegidas sin perjudicar las actuales actividades económicas tradicionales. Tuvieron la oportunidad de visitar las zonas locales protegidas y mostraron sus propias ideas de como preservarlas.
Everyday arises new voices to an international level which agree with the irreversible climate change that our planet encounters. Water will be seriously diminished unless we take measures inmediately.

Cada día se suman nuevas voces a nivel internacional que coinciden en afirmar que el planeta se dirige hacia un cambio climático irreversible. El agua será un bien escaso a menos que se tomen medidas rápidamente.

We should use energy resources with a better substainability and take more seriously the use of renovable energy so to decrease CO2 emissions, and also increase the number of forests and the biodiversity.

Deberíamos utilizar los recursos energéticos con una mayor sostenibilidad y tomarnos más en serio el uso de energias renovables para disminuir las emisiones de CO2 así como aumentar el número de bosques y la biodiversidad

Day 2

Official opening carried out by the political authorities.

Talk in regards of “Sustainable Development through Europe”. Reflexive groups among the participants considering what is been discussed in the previous talk.

Group dynamics:

Visit to “ Centro de Interpretación del Parque Natural de las Sierras Subbéticas” and walk in the countryside “Sendero Botánico Dehesa de Vargas”.

Day 3

Visit to Almedinilla “Eco Museo Rio Caicena”

Make a valuation of the day. Make a presentation of the Romania and a gastronomic degustation.

Day 4

Route in “ Via Verde de la Subbética”, Cabra station.

Make a valuation of the day. Make a presentation of the Estonia and gastronomic degustation.

Day 5

Tasting session of a variety of different olives oils. Visit to Priego de Córdoba: Fuente del Rey, Barrio de la Villa, etc.

Make a valuation of the day. Make a presentation of the Italy and gastronomic degustation.

Day 6

Visit to Iznájar and his natural pond.

Make a valuation of the day. Make a presentation of the Spain and gastronomic degustation.

Day 7

Visit to an association that works towards the defence of the donkey (ADEBO) in Rute.

Establish a definition of the conclusions and final valuation of the exchange.
Visit to Fuente-Tójar and interaction with the youth project “Hugging Caravan”. Visit to the Alcaparra Festival.